
AS IF与AS THOUGH引导的虚拟语气和真实语气

原标题:AS IF与AS THOUGH引导的虚拟语气和真实语气


AS IF and AS THOUGH are conjunctions. They have a similar meaning and can be used interchangeably. We use AS IF and AS THOUGH to talk about an imaginary situation or a situation that is likely or possible. AS IF is more common than AS THOUGH. AS IF and AS THOUGH commonly follow the verbs LOOK, FEEL, SEEM, APPEAR, SOUND, SMELL, TASTE.

AS IF和AS THOUGH是连词,意思基本相同,意为“似乎,好像”,可以互换使用。AS IF和AS THOUGH既可用来谈论想象的、非真实的情况,又可用来谈论可能发生的情况。AS IF使用的频率比AS THOUGH高。AS IF和AS THOUGH常跟在LOOK, FEEL, SEEM, APPEAR, SOUND, SMELL, TASTE等词后面。

To make comparisons about an imaginary or unreal situation, we use the subjunctive.


◇ For a present situation, we use the past simple or WERE (BE) for the verb following AS IF or AS THOUGH.

与现在事实相反:主句+ as if / as though + 主语 + 一般过去时/ were

★ The floods are rising and it seems as if it were the end of the world.

★ 洪水暴涨,仿佛是世界末日。

★ She often laughs spontaneously and her good humor breaks out as brightly as if it were a part of the sunshine above.

★ 她常常发自内心地微笑,流露出的美好情绪宛如天上的阳光一样明媚。

★ He acts as though he didn’t hear anything, but he did.

★ 他装得好像自己什么都没听到,但实际上他听到了。

★ I don’t know why she is looking at me as if she knew me. I’ve never seen her before.

★ 我不知道她为什么一直看着我,就好像认识我一样。我以前从未见过她。

◇ For a past situation, we use the past perfect for the verb following AS IF or AS THOUGH.

与过去事实相反:主句+ as if / as though + 主语 + 过去完成时

★ Dr. Bethune worked hard as if he had never felt tired.

★ 白求恩大夫辛勤工作,好像从不知疲倦。(因叙述的是过去发生的事情,所以选择与过去事实相反的虚拟结构)

★ It looks as if they’ve had a shock.

★ 他们看起来好像已经受到了惊吓。

★ She felt as if all her worries had gone.

★ 她感觉好像她所有的忧虑都消失了。

★ He acted as though he had never met her.

★ 他装得好像从未见过她一样。

★ They felt as though they had been given the wrong information.

★ 他们感觉自己好像得到了错误的信息。

To make comparisons about a situation that is likely or possible, we use a real tense.


★ He looks as if he doesn’t like to talk about those years.

★ 他看起来好像不喜欢谈论那些年。

★ It sounds as if the situation is likely to improve.

★ 听起来好像形势会有所好转。

★ It looks as though it is going to rain.

★ 看上去要下雨了。

★ I feel as though I have a fever.

★ 我感觉我发烧了。

We can use both AS IF and AS THOUGH followed by a non-finite clause or a prepositional phrase.

AS IF和AS THOUGH后面可以直接加非谓语动词引导的句子或介词短语。

★ She moved her lips as if to smile.

★ 她动了动嘴唇,好像是在微笑。

★ He opened his mouth as if to speak.

★ 他张开嘴,像是要说话。

★ She stared at the boy as if seeing him for the first time.

★ 她目不转睛地看着那个男孩,像是第一次见到他。

★ He stood as if rooted to the ground.

★ 他像钉在地板般地站着。

★ They were shouting as though in panic.

★ 他们大喊大叫,好像很惊慌。

He treats me as if I were a stranger. (实际上,我们不是陌生人)

He treats me as if I am a stranger. (事实上,我们是陌生人)


He looks as if he had no knowledge of her whereabouts. (实际上,他不知道或者说我们不知道他是否知道她的下落)

He looks as if he has no knowledge of her whereabouts. (他确实知道她的下落)


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