



“微芒成阳 ”亚太地区高校摄影邀请展


The Third University Invitational Exhibition of

Jinan International Photography Biennale

“Tiny Rays Converge into a Sun ”- Asia-Pacific

University Photography Invitational Exhibition

-Korea University

联合策展人: 柳银珪(韩国)



Chung-Ang University

Founded in 1964, our photography major is the best photography major in Korea. Our photography major has about 20,000 ft of practice space here at Campus with beautiful nature. Various welfare policies are implemented for the smooth practice environment of students, and we are leading the student culture by providing various cultural lives and college life near the school. Our department is educated under the whole education system where you can freely choose various subjects. and learn not only photography but also movies, literature, art, and music. Through this, our students majoring in photography interact with all arts and are academic. We're building cultural capabilities. In addition to excellent Korean professors, we are responding to the upcoming global era by operating native lectures and internationalization programs to become the world's best photography major.

宋相铉 Song SangHyun











《Dadaepo Beach》

“Memories warm you up from the inside. But they also tear you apart.”

― Haruki Murakami, Kafka on the Shore

Does Dadaepo Beach without her still mean something to me?

This work began from this question.

I went to the place to face the past.

And I took some pictures.

I still don't know the answer to the question.

However, you may feel warm and hurt from these pictures like me.

That will do.

崔贤硕 Choi Hyunsuk




We share relationships and commonalities and have the qualities of being connected. All types of human beings who lead such a communal life live collectively, and families, villages, unions, churches, classes, countries, political parties, companies, etc. Consciousness exists in the relationships we build within these communities or societies. A sense of community, a sense of solidarity, and a sense of belonging arise from the human groups mentioned above.In his work, he establishes human relationships that arise from ‘one person’, including places that connect bonds and commonalities with each other. And the common habits, tastes, appearances, interests, etc. that appear in the capture of people living together with him are expressed. The artist tried to express the individuality of each of the people in the community to which he belongs in a frame arranged on a white background. He also said that the back view and the upside down posture were a way to derive an objective gaze. In the end, he said, "It can be seen that it is the responsibility of the audience who sees people in the frame to infer and understand that 'one person'."

李准石 Lee Joon Seok




图中的花是玫瑰,然而,有的是人造花,有的是真花。是的。艺术家让这些花 无人看管。于是真花枯萎了,假花活了下来。不,假花只是保持原来的形状。所以图中没有花瓶。在知道那些看起来像美丽花朵的花朵是假的之前,人们会看到照片,只看到盛开的花朵。而不会看那些看起来难看的枯萎的花朵。即使他们看到了,他们也会否认。在看到艺术家的解释之前,观众会有自己的解释,例如, “他们因为在上面而得到更多的阳光吗?”或者“它们是刚开的花吗?”哦,那些花一定是逆境中长出来的。”人们倾向于“偏爱”他们最先看到的东西和更美丽的东西。他们总是认为他们首先看到的将是中心,而更美丽的将是主角。


《Eyes Deny and Lie》

What the artist is trying to say through this picture is, "The stupidity of human beings to judge only by what they want to see."

There are some points in this picture. Audiences should observe this photo with great care.

The flowers in the picture are roses However, some are artificial flowers, some are real flowers. Yes. The artist left these flowers unattended. So the real flowers dried up and the fake flowers survived. No, the fake flowers just kept their original form. So there's no vase in the picture. Before knowing that the flowers that looked like beautiful flowers were fake, people would have looked at the pictures and seen only the flowers that bloomed beautifully. And the audience won't look at the withered flowers that look ugly. They'd deny it even if they saw it. And the audience would have their own interpretation until they read the artist's explanation, for example, 'Did they get more sunlight because they're up there?' or 'Are they flowers that just bloomed?' 'Oh, those flowers must have risen from adversity.' People tend to 'prefer' what they see first and what's more beautiful. They always think that what they saw first will be the center, and what's more beautiful will be the main character.

Is there any truth to fake flowers? Would lovers feel good if they gave fake flowers to each other? Which flower do bees and butterflies like more? What is truly more beautiful?




Hongik University

Photographic images are one of the most important media of expression in modern society, and the economic, cultural and social influence of photography is on the rise. Because of the artistic elements that make up it and the extreme popularity and sociality that the result brings, photography has a different aspect from any other cultural art field or communication tool so far in its essence. In addition, the rapidly growing photographic media and video communication industries require countless photographic professionals.

Therefore, the major of Photography at Hongik University aims to educate as a culture, and to teach photography and video based on humanism. The Department of Photography at Hongik University was established as the first master's program in Korea in 1981, and is currently positioned as a professional photography educational institution with the longest tradition. Based on this tradition, close ties with seniors working in the fields of photography as well as design are helping juniors in their career paths, and making creative activities as an artist easier in pure fields such as art departments. The reason that the major of Photography has taken a pioneering position is because it has a curriculum that is open to the learning of autonomous and creative expression based on a solid basic foundation and broadening the scope of education by linking with various fields.

李元哲 教授

Professor WonChul Lee


当代人是由时钟的指针控制的。大多数城市居民每天都按照相同的时间表起床、上班、吃午饭、回家和睡觉。他们按照可预测的规律来表现日常生活,就像时钟的指针一样。 虽然这组作品的概念是时间,但对象是时钟。我想通过时钟观察时间的表达,同时将时间从时钟中拖出来。用图像来解释这个想法,我想用消失的时钟指针和其他随着时间推移而发生的环境变化来展示时间的存在,例如人的运动、树枝的摆动和云的运动。这些图像在时间上的不可行性迫使观众思考它们与时间的关系以及它们记录时间的方式。


Contemporary people are directed by the hands of a clock. Most of urbanites wake up, go to work, have lunch, go back home, and go to bed following same schedule every day. They act out their daily life following predictable routines, just as the hands of a clock. While the concept of this project is time, the objects are clocks. I would like to observe the expression of time through clocks while dragging the existence of time out of them. Using images to explain this idea, I would like to show the existence of time using vanishing clock-hands and other changes of circumstances as time passes, such as the movement of people, the sway of branches, and the movement of clouds. The chronological unfeasibility of these images compels viewers to think about their relationship with time and the ways in which they record it.

柳升镇 Seungjin Ryu


在晚上设置一个绿色色键, 拍摄色度键和一个人的照片。 使用人工智能Gaugan创建的图像编辑照片的色度。Gaugan创造的图像是虚构的,并不存在。为了表明虚拟空间降低了真实空间的重要性,在信息较少的夜间选择真实空间, 并在时间上使用假想图像来共同表示真实空间和虚拟空间。我通过色度键来表达我们社会中虚拟表象的变化。虚拟图像和真实景观共存于一个框架中,展示了我们在元宇宙时代混合的日常生活。

《Green Fairy》

Set up a green chroma key at night and shoot a photo of the chromakey and a person. Edit the chromakey of the photo using images created through the Artificial Intelligence called Gaugan. Images that are created by Gaugan are imaginary and do not exist. To show that virtual space reduces the importance of real space, real space is chosen at night time when less information is present, and use imaginary images in the chromakey to represent real space and virtual space together. I express the changes in virtual appearances in our society through chromakey.The virtual images and real landscapes coexisting in one frame show our mixed daily life in the metaverse era.

康明国 MyungKu Kang




当我观察到人类衰老并遭受疾病折磨时,他们的身体 病倒, 精神功能丧失,他们变成了一座沙堡,在死亡面前 崩塌了,他们所有的人际关系和家庭关系都结束了。



《The Long Journey》

Even though people say that ‘we will die someday,’ we live just like we won’t at any time. In fact, we usually forget about our death, and keep ourselves distracted by several things in the busy modern society.

Six years ago when my mother passed away, I had the opportunity to think deeply about ‘death in modern society,’ and I have always continued to ruminate this topic since then.

As I observe that human beings age and suffer from a disease, their bodies collapse and their mental faculties are lost, they become a sandcastle that crumbles in the face of death and all of their human and family relationships end.

Ultimately, I think that death is a sad and suffering process of being far off and being abandoned from modern society.

In order to be aware of the ordeal of death that this society has chosen to ignore and to overcome this, we will always try to pursue the mature inner mind toward coming death and the humble posture of self-examination toward the life. We will have more faithful lives if we would live through the illumination to the reflective mirror at every moment, that is death.

金敏元 MinzouChowon GHIM


这是一系列 作者受周围正在服药的人启发的作品。她在医院工作7年的经历是该系列的另一个灵感来源。她收集人们每天 为延长健康寿命而服用的药物,并以不同的方式组装药物以创造新的形状。在这个阶段,她作为摄影师,而不是医生或研究人员,为每个人开一张照片处方。她提供了明亮多彩的图像,希望这可以成为我们认为疾病令人尴尬和/或不好的一个令人愉快的处方。她祝你健康长寿。

《How are you today?》

This is a series of works inspired by people around her that are on medication. What she experiences working at a hospital for 7 years is another inspiration of the series. She collects people’s daily dose of medicine for their long healthy lives, and assembles the medicine in a different way to create a new shape. In this stage, she, as a photographer, not as a doctor or researcher, makes a photo-preion per person. She delivers bright and colorful images hoping this could be a pleasant preion for our thought of diseases being embarrassing and/or bad. And she wishes you a long healthy life.

李京勋 GyoungHoon Lee



当我沿着铁路的周围行走时,我发现废弃的铁路桥梁和废弃的水泥厂, 它们被大自然忽视了。 由于水泥的发明是通过提取和净化从自然界获得的石灰石制成的,这是一场新文明的古怪革命。


《Coexistence of Nature and Civilization》

The railroad which links Jeacheon and Danyang is the First Railroad to mine limestone that will be used as cement in Japanese colonial era. However, the opening of the Yeongdong Expressway in 1989 reduced the transportation volume of the coal industry, and in 2009, passenger demand halved.

When I walked along the surroundings of the railroad, I found abandoned railroad bridges and waste cement factories, left neglected with nature. Since the invention of cement made through extraction and purification of limestone obtained from nature was an eccentric revolution of a new civilization.

Although cement helped form a huge urban civilization, however, it also polluted the environment by ruthless construction. Danyang is an area where the First Railroad is located, and it seems to be the place where such contamination began the earliest and was neglected the most. While exploring Danyang, I felt the civilization which was abandoned by mankind during the colonial era and the Korean war, but also could not return to nature. I hoped that nature and civilization would someday coexist, and I tried to express this hope in lyrical photographic language.

李东英 Lee Dong Young


《数字人生》开始探索 400 款游戏,并带着对虚拟世界结构的疑问 审视虚拟世界。

虚拟世界不像现实世界那样是 圆的、硬的、平的。




《Born Digital》

<BornDigital> began exploring 400 games and looking inside the virtual world with doubts about the structure of the virtual world.

The virtual world is not round and hard and flat like the real world.

This is the most interesting and simulated reality in the virtual world.

If digital physics quantifies all the elements of reality and creates a virtual world, can we distinguish what reality is? with the question that

Exploring virtual reality.




Daegu Arts University

As the only four-year art university south of the Han River, Daegu Arts University aims to nurture creative global leaders in the arts through culture and art. Daegu University of the Arts is taking a leap forward as the best art school in Northeast Asia with a curriculum for each major specializing in art, raising the status of Korean culture and art in the world.

Capture opportunities for success in various areas of photography and image design.This department lays the base through basic theories and practices on photography, and then teaches advanced courses such as artistic photography, commercial photography, news photography, figure photography, high-tech digital photography, and image design.Graduates from this department can be a specialist in various media including newspaper, broadcasting, publishing and magazine, or research and educate photography and image design academically in graduate school. Furthermore, there are many promising fields like production, film library and recently popular studio business.

金正洙 教授

Professor Kim Chung Soo


《Space Exploration》

郑承铉 Jeong SeungHyun


我不确定是什么时候,我意识到我的视力明显低于正常人。在那之后,我因失落感(恐惧、心理焦虑)等而 感到沮丧。 我开始通过摄影来表达克服失落感的过程。



I'm not sure when it was, but I realized that my eyesight was significantly lower than that of a normal person. After that, I became frustrated due to a feeling of loss (fear, psychological anxiety), etc. I came to express the process of overcoming while recovering the sense of loss through photography.

By overlapping the place in the memory that was clearly visible and the opaque and hazy scene that I am looking at at this point, the inner landscape is created.This is a work in which an out-of-focus photo image representing the current state and a pan-focus photo representing an image remembered in the past are overlapped.

朴范珠 Park Beom Ju



通过长时间曝光, 模使图像和模特之间的关系变得模糊,以表达人际关系带来的压力。


I tried to express my feelings while experiencing conflict and stress between people.

Using long exposure, the relationship between the model image and the model was blurred to express the stress from human relationships.



Joongbu University

Joongbu University, established in 1984, has continuously built the foundation and become the leader in the first phase of construction, and will continue to develop into a global famous university. In order to cope with the era of information and globalization, the Central University is improving and expanding various educational facilities, seeking the pre evolution of education through high-quality and scientific education.

金大贤 Kim Dae Hyun



《Advertisement of Car》

It's a picture to show the car design. Depending on the design, the car can have a heavy feeling and a young sporty feeling. Each has a different personality. In order to show the appearance of the car in detail, filming was conducted in search of a background suitable for the car design and the car design.

徐元林 Seo Won Lim


给画布上色的行为,通过颜料的颜色和触感唤起了一种新的感觉。涂颜料的画布本身就是一幅画。然而, 一旦拍下照片,它就变成了另一件作品。

用小刀、文具尺和盒子片涂颜料。那些意想不到的工具创造了一个不可预知的形象。 用光和时间拍摄的画布显示了源于颜色和颜料触感的内在巧合。在光的方向上出现的明暗部分强调了颜料的材料特性,呈现出更粗糙或更平滑的曲线。这是只有照片才能表达的形象。

《Color Waves》

The act of coloring a canvas evokes a new sensation through the color and touch of the pigment. The canvas on which the pigment is applied is a painting by itself. However, it becomes another piece of creation once it is taken a photo.

A knife, stationery ruler, and box pieces were used to apply pigment. Those unexpected tools created an unpredictable image. The canvas shot with light and time shows the inherent coincidence stemmed from the color and the touch of the pigment. The bright and dark parts that occur in the direction of light emphasize the material properties of the pigment, showing rougher or smoother curves. This is an image that only photographs can express.

金泰万 Kim Tae Wan


韩国一山是首尔北部的一个人口 众多的城市。通过稳步发展和投资,创建了百货公司、广播电台和大型展览馆。该地区流动人口众多,基础设施密集。但是一山湖公园对面有一个叫 江汉洞的村 庄,那里有许多必要但避免使用的设施。2016年重建计划制定后,居住在那里的居民和设施消失了。自 2018 年以来, 它一直是一个死气沉沉的村庄。

在我所在城市的中心,我在附近发现了一个 死气沉沉的村庄。我觉得讽刺的是,离繁忙的城市不到一公里的地方 竟然有这样一个小镇。我用相机探索和记录,以便以摄影的方式告知他人。在这个村庄消失之前,我想向很多人展示这里发生的事情。

《Memory of Redevelopment》

Ilsan, South Korea, is a populous city in northern Seoul. With steady development and investment, department stores, broadcasting stations, and large exhibition halls were created. It has a large floating population and has a dense infrastructure. But there is a village called Janghang-dong across Ilsan Lake Park. There were many necessary but avoided facilities there. After the redevelopment plan was set up in 2016, the residents and facilities that lived there disappeared. It has been a dead village since 2018.

From the heart of my city, I found a dead village very close by. I found it ironic that there is a town like this less than a kilometer away from a busy city. I explored and recorded with a camera in order to inform others in the way of photography. Before this village disappeared, I wanted to show many people what had happened here.

朴澈媛 Park Chea Won


姐妹关系不同于朋友关系。 朋友有选择权,但是姐妹们不能选择。兄弟姐妹比任何人都亲密,但比任何人都远。有时候我觉得比其他人更坦率地表达自己的感情既尴尬又笨拙。

我和我的妹妹是一对相亲相爱的姐妹,但我们必须同时竞争。即使是最小的事情,我们也需要竞争。这种情况让我们互相嫉妒。我和妹妹还太小, 不能理解这种复杂的感情,并进行交谈。


曾经很亲近的我们,有爱也有恨,渐渐地选择了不同的道路, 也许是因为我们厌倦了,性格、外貌、品味都 发生了变化。

我的妹妹总是解释说我是盾牌。 作为一个姐姐的责任感使我有了一种代替妹妹坚强的性格。我的父母认为,通过教育,我变得活跃起来,而我的妹妹变得害羞、胆小。

随着相同环境 但大小不同的事件的积累,我们的个性、品味和 外貌的方向都确定了。 这种人格似乎是被赋予这样的职位而建立的。我们姐妹关系看起来很像,在这方面很有趣。我想谈谈关于姐姐的事,她看起来是这样,但实际上不是。

《Sister Series》

A sister relationship is different from a friend relationship. Friend has a choice. But sisters can't choose. Brothers and sisters are closer than anyone else, but farther than anyone else. Sometimes I feel awkward and clumsy to express my feelings more honestly than others.

My younger sister and I were in a loving sister relationship, but we had to compete at the same time. We needed competition for even the smallest events. This situation has made us jealous of each other. My younger sister and I were too young to understand these complex feelings and have conversations.

We have many similar habits growing up in the same environment. However, when looking in the mirror, the facial expression that we habitually make and the wound on our body are different.

We, who were really close, had love and hatred, and gradually chose different paths, maybe because we were tired of it. Personality, appearance and taste have all changed.

My younger sister always explains that I acted as a shield. The responsibility of being an older sister has made me a strong personality that takes the place of my younger sister. My parents believe that through education, I have become active and my sister become shy, and timid.

As events of the same environment but large and small were accumulated, the direction of our personality, taste, and appearance were determined. The personality seems to have been established by being given the positions. Our sisterhood relationship, which looks like it, is interesting in this respect. I wanted to tell a story about a sister who looked like this but didn't.

李成佑 Lee Seong U


祖母具有“不在乎”风格的老式思维和行为。我父亲抱怨她的态度, 但把她弄得一团糟。每当我的祖母和父亲之间发生冲突时,我都会扮演调解人或观察者的角色。大部分的冲突都是从琐碎的事情开始, 但以自己的观点和固执告终。




《The Trigger of Conflict》

Grandmother with "don't care" style old fashioned thinking and behavior. My father complains about her attitude but cleans up the mess she's made. I have acted as a mediator or observer whenever there is a conflict between my grandmother and father. Most conflicts begin with trivial things, but end up with one's own views and stubbornness.

The little things in the house have a time of conflict between the two.

I started looking for them and recording them on camera.

That's my only way out of their relationship.




Korea Broadcasting Arts School

"A place to create art education and broadcasting artists who are prepared."

In order to foster future broadcasting talents who will lead the HD broadcasting system, we are planning to lay the foundation for achieving the dream of a true broadcaster, focusing on differentiated systems and specialized practical training.In addition to vague theories, I would like to prepare a variety of experiences so that the world of professionals is not unfamiliar with field-oriented practical education, and I would like to think about the future of the Korean broadcasting industry as well as the development of individual skills.

林成柱 Lim Sung-ju





你们的过去像民画一样美丽吗? 即使没有,也可以现在这香水一样美丽。


This work contains both perfume and Korea folk paintings (Minhwa).

It adds the image of the sophisticated, luxurious, and beautiful things of perfume, and the beauty, softness, and subtle image of Minhwa.

And the perfume of this work is also a perfume as a product and has the meaning of nostalgia to remember the past.

Is your past as beautiful as folktales? If not, it could be as beautiful as this perfume today.

河承昊 Ha Seung-ho



《The Way Home》

These works show Koreans the way home after finishing their daily routine in my glasses.A soft but lonely feeling that you can feel at a busstop in the evening. I'm sure everyone has a lot of feelings about going home, but I'd appreciate it if you could feel the way home from my perspective this time.

赵兮涓Cho Hyeyeon

《排铅字; 排铅字》




《Reading ; Fall into type》

There is a saying called reading Sammaegyeong(mean reading deep). Everyone must have experienced reading a book without knowing how much time passed by because they fell in love with one book. The act of "reading" is one of the attractive actions that takes one's time and binds one's mind.

There are many types in the book. They combine to form one sentence, and the sentences are gathered to form a book. The characters in it fascinate us and one line remains deep in our hearts.

I captured the various aspects of reading in the middle of summer, the moment.













主办单位: 中国济南国际摄影双年展组委会

指导单位:中国摄影家协会教育委员会、 中国高等教育学会摄影专业委员会

承办单位:西安理工大学艺术与设计学院 、山东工艺美术学院

媒体支持: 《中国摄影家》杂志、中国摄影网


总策展:张辉、黄荣华 (土耳其 )、柳银珪(韩国)



Agatha Bunanta (印度尼西亚 )、Ampannee Satoh(泰国)、Ang Song Nian(新加坡)、敖国兴、白晓丹、戴菲、邓岩、董钧、Eiffel Chong(马来西亚)、Erzan Adam(新加坡)、胡晓阳、吉川直哉(日本)、贾方、矫健、Lachlan Gardiner(澳大利亚)、Laleper Aytek(土耳其)、李小舟、林简娇、刘阳、Nadia Oh Sueh Peng(新加坡)、Oh Soon-Hwa(韩国)、Salleh Japar(新加坡)、沈洁、史民峰、Tan Tay Guan (马来西亚)、Ugrid Jomyin(泰国)、王培蓓、王帅、杨赫、姚璐、张朴、张省会、中里和人(日本)













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